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How to share your review!

Review us on these platforms

google reviews logo
yelp reviews logo
facebook reviews logo
google search review image to demonstrait how to leave a review

To leave me a review on Google you need a Google account (email).

  1. Sign into your account

  2. Search for me. Type "heather bees" in the search

  3. Click on reviews

  4. There, you'll see a button to leave me a review. Thank you so much!






To leave me a review on Yelp you need a Yelp account. 

  1. Sign into your account

  2. Search for me. Type "heather bees" in the search bar

  3. Select my business

  4. Click on the "write a review" button. Thank you so much!

yelp snapshot to help demonstrait how to leave a review on yelp
yelp snapshot to help demonstrait how to leave a review on yelp steps 3
yelp snapshot to help demonstrait how to leave a review on yelp steps 4






To leave me a review on Facebook you must log into your facebook account

  1. In the search bar at the top; type Heather Bee's and search

  2. Under "Places" find my page, and click to "like" my page 

  3. Click into my business page. Facebook now lets you click the button "recommend". If you do that will be the same as giving me a good review. Thank you! 

facebook screen shot to show steps to write a review on facebook
facebook screen shot to show steps to write a review on facebook step 2



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