If you're sick of hearing about the virus, so am I. But it's hard to have a blog and pretend it doesn't exist. It's now August and things are in full swing of living with COVID. Being a florist in Portland during this time has been rewarding. So much community support. I get to see first hand friends and family support. I see first hand the community supporting local businesses. Being a florist during COVID has put drops into the bucket (analogy) for restoring my faith in humanity. I haven't experienced a slow down, even during the big shut down, folks were willing to order flowers and have delivered to their porches. I've been able to continue operations and the gift of flowers is always fund to deliver, even when it's for bad news. The lovely gift always puts a smile on the faces of my customers. I feel that I'm able to be safe for my customers, even those who are more at risk. My vases are all wiped down before delivery and folks don't really touch the flowers. The science also shows that surface to surface contraction is a low risk even if people were to manhandle delicate flowers, which again, isn't very likely. The glass surfaces of the vases are able to be well sanitized more than most surfaces, so I feel good about delivering to peoples porches and leaving. I call them from the car and ring the doorbell as I head to my car. It works. Let's talk briefly about the volume of business. People are cooped up. And for those who are still working full time, they've now got an influx of money because they're not spending. Flowers brighten up a living space and right now people are sick of looking at their own. It's a nice face lift for your own spaces, and it's a nice gift to share with others. They smell nice and it shows you care. So all in all, its been ok for me as a florist and dealing with COVID. I wish you all good health. Stay safe and stay vigilant.
