As you - a reader of a florists blog - may know by now, Valentine's Day is the biggest day of the year. Mother's Day is a close second. This Valentine's day (2019) is my first. I've worked several as a florist, but I've never been the one in the driver's seat. I've always known that I would be paid for the hours I worked. As a business owner I just spend more than a grand on flowers and vases and now I'm broke and anxiously awaiting orders. To make matters worse? We had an epic snow-pocalypse scare. This time last week we were told we'd see feet of snow on Valentine's day. THANKFULLY, that's been rolled back to just a lot of cold rain. But imagine the scare that brought me! I can't deliver orders. The people who would want to order are strapped because of the loss of work time and added expenses that a weather event brings. It could have been a really painful first V-day lesson. As it is, today is the 11th and I've taken about as many orders as I need to be just underwater. I'm not out of the woods yet. I'd like to not lose money this week, but that's what I'm facing. I do know that guys tend to buy more flowers for this holiday then women do and guys do tend to make these purchases last minute. I've got time for the last minute orders to come in and I had hoped I would be at a place I wouldn't want them by now, but I'd be very happy for more last minute orders right about now. I'll post a followup to this blog. Cross your fingers for me, and if you're still looking for V-day gift ideas, I'm still available to help you make it one of the best Valentine's days yet.
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